Article by Dave Hoekstra
Songs and Music

Marlin Wallace

"All of the music and songs of The Corillions are written by one man: Marlin Wallace. In this company, there are no staff writers and no collaborations of any kind. What you hear is music in its purest form. The style of Wallace comes thru in every composition of The Corillions, giving it that certain distinguishable sound.

In the realm of music, The Corillions is a name that represents one man’s original musical creations. In essence, it is a world unto itself, reaching thru all kinds of music and song, ranging from gospel to classical, yet personified by that individuality that comes from this one man. Wallace started The Corillions in 1973 and only the material he has written is recorded and published under this label."

"In my travels, I always tried to get word back home to let Ma know I was still doing great. If I was riding the trains I'd just print the name of the railroad on a postcard and she could keep better track of me. She saved every one of those postcards!"
"I remember the rails... It was a wild free kind of life, no time cards to punch, no schedules to keep, no phone calls. That cold steel was winding thru the cities and the countryside and them old trains were forever calling me. Ridin' them old freight trains got in my blood and for over 17 years I rode the rails. In the beginning, I just wanted to see a little more world. I traveled over the lines of many railroads throughout the U.S. and Canada."
©1955-©2025 Marlin Wallace. All Rights Reserved. B.M.I.