March 8, 2016


©2016 Marlin O. Wallace

    It seems incredible that the Federal Government would even consider stopping the protection of grizzly bears in the Yellowstone National Park region. If these bears are not safe in this place where can they be safe? It would be a senseless crime against nature to let hunters kill these animals.
    The fish and wildlife organization has bragged about bringing back substantial numbers of grizzly bears, but this proposed delisting would be a major setback in the protection and preservation of these animals. The bloody history of “over-kill” will be repeated if the hunting season is opened on grizzly bears.
    In a well-balanced ecosystem, there is no need for people to interfere with nature. There is no “thinning of the herd” required; nature takes care of all excesses. When wildlife officials estimate that the Yellowstone Park region has reached its full capacity of grizzly bears, this does not mean that hunters should be allowed to kill off the bears.
    The solution to all potential bear problems is for the Federal Government or some other organization, individuals or individual to establish large fenced-in preserves for grizzly bears where they can live out a natural life away from hunters and domestic animals. If the wildlife officials wanted to reduce the numbers of bears in the Yellowstone Park region, they could simply live-trap the bears and place them in the preserves. Fenced-in corridors with land bridges over highways and railroads could connect the preserves to allow for genetic diversity.
    In the preserves, well-balanced ecosystems could become established in a natural way where populations of animals would be controlled by nature – not with guns and hunters. Here, animals would die from natural causes, which is a lot better than being cut to pieces by bullets and arrows.
    Considering all of the possible reasons and excuses for reducing the number of grizzly bears in the Yellowstone Park region, no reason or excuse is good enough to allow hunters to kill the bears. Since the park is not fenced, there could be some bears and wolves that might prey on domestic animals of ranchers. These wayward park animals could be live-trapped and released in the preserves.
    If responsible organizations would step up to the plate, there would never be any unsolvable grizzly bear problems.



The Fish and Wildlife Agency is obviously a lot more concerned with appeasing “hunters” than in protecting wildlife, and this organization has been accused of gross mismanagement of wild animals. The killing of grizzly bears should be permanently outlawed.
    People come to the Yellowstone Park and surroundings to see and experience nature, and grizzly bears are part of that nature. What most people don’t want to see is the slaughter of wildlife by hunters. Yellowstone National Park and all of its surrounding perimeters should be permanently “off limits” to all hunters.
    It would be a worthwhile project for all of the environmental and animal protection groups to come together in an effort to save grizzly bears from hunters. These bears deserve better than to be slaughtered for sport and trophies. Fortunately, there are people who want to protect animals that cannot defend themselves from ruthless killers. Sports hunters and trophy hunters are a constant threat to all kinds of wildlife. These people have no respect for nature and are only bent on killing.
    It is a strange phenomenon that of all the wealthy people in America, so few have contributed anything to the environment and the protection of wildlife. Too much money has been squandered on deceptive charity organizations; untold millions of dollars are being donated to religious organizations, which do nothing but pray and have often been guilty of scamming enormous sums of money. Not enough people are concerned about protecting wildlife.
    The attention of the majority of people is focused on man-made objects and human relationships. Very few of these people have ever tried to see life from the perspective of a wild animal; they cannot visualize the crisis that the human race has inflicted upon the animal kingdom.
    There was once a race of giant grizzly bears living in California. These were the largest grizzlies ever known, and they were well adapted to their environment, but careless pioneers killed them off. These bears became extinct by the early 20th century. It remains to be seen if people have become civilized enough to protect wild animals here and now. The grizzly bears of today could become just as extinct as the California Grizzly.

--Marlin O. Wallace


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