The master plan of the communists is to divide and conquer. The ultimate goal in psychological warfare is to exert pressure on individuals and drive them into violence. The reds have bragged about winning wars without firing a shot. Today, the reds have more ways and means of enslaving and corrupting people than ever before. There are invisible lasers that can penetrate buildings and kill people without leaving a trace. There are secret mind reading computers that can reveal the thoughts of unsuspecting people. The reds have created a world where there is no privacy; where there is 24 hour surveillance.
It is important to know who the communists are, and it is equally important to know the kinds of weapons they are using. It is in this technological space age that the reds are performing the biggest coverup and betrayal in history. Communist governments of the world have kept the majority of people in complete ignorance about the secret weapons in their arsenals.
The communists have murdered more people than any other ideological force in the history of the world. Yet, in the face of all the proven facts, gullible people are still being deceived by communist lies and innuendos. The majority of people in the world have no idea of how sadistic and deceptive the reds are. No crime is too insignificant or too sadistic for the communists to commit.
As an individual, I have been targeted by the reds for years. In 1961, the reds began torturing me with radiation attacks. In the beginning there were few attacks, and I had no way of knowing the source of the attacks. By the 1970s, I was being hit day and night with whole series of different kinds of radiation attacks. The reds were making my own home like a torture chamber, and there was nowhere I could go to escape the attacks. Different parts of my body were being targeted including my sex organs, liver and rectum.
After a lot of investigation, I found out the communists were behind all of the radiation attacks. In the 1970s, I was checked out by all kinds of doctors that proved there were no medical reasons for these attacks. In my research, I found out I could stop some kinds of laser attacks with an ordinary piece of ceramic.
It soon became obvious that the laser attacks were coming from satellites. I could be out in the open with no cover for miles around, and I would still be hit with the attacks. Over the last 50 years, there have been many complaints by people who say they have been injured by microwaves and other forms of radiation, but none of these people have exposed the communist source.
The reason I have been able to identify radiation attacks is because whole series of different kinds of radiation attacks have been used on me over a long period of time. The reds have used torture and harassment in an attempt to destroy my sanity. Because of the harassment being used, it is obviously a part of the red strategy in psychological warfare. The fact that different kinds of radiation have been used on me indicates the reds are experimenting on me. I am an original thinker and a nonconformist, and this is the primary reason I have been targeted by the reds.
Laser attacks can simulate all kinds of medical disorders. Some lasers can cause “twitch attacks” when used on the motor center of the brain. These attacks are short bursts of energy that cause the body to twitch involuntarily. Other kinds of lasers cause a paralyzing numbness in areas hit. Some lasers can cause steady aching pain like in arthritis. There are lasers that can cause violent attacks when used on the brain. In 1972, a violent laser attack on my brain caused me to accidentally break a bone in my foot. At the time, I was sound asleep in bed when it was like a bolt of lightning hit me in the head. My whole body was completely out of control. I finally broke out a door escaping from the house. Prior to 1961, I had never had a history of any kind of attacks in my life, and this attack was definitely from an outer source.
This violent communist attack on me illustrates just how cowardly and sadistic the communists are. They wait until I am asleep in my own home, then blast me in the head with a laser. There is more to this testimony than just the laser attack. The day before the attack, I had trouble with two people that I thought were communist agitators. I won the fights, but the reds would not let it end there.
In spite of all my efforts to expose the communist crimes that are being perpetrated against me, no law enforcement agency has ever come to my aid. The FBI has refused to investigate my charges of communist persecution and torture. The communist controlled government is trying to cover up the radiation torture and harassment that I have had to endure.
--Marlin O. Wallace |