July 2, 2024

Shark Killing In Australia

©2024 Marlin O. Wallace

    The purpose of this article is to expose the mass killing of sharks in Australia. The “goon squad” of the Department of Fisheries in Australia is responsible for needlessly killing huge numbers of sharks. So-called fishermen in the goon squad have bragged about hooking sharks, dragging them in and killing them by shooting them with a rifle. The carcasses of the sharks are dumped back into the sea.
    Instead of killing sharks, the government of Australia should be constructing “shark barriers” to keep people and sharks apart. Incompetent people in the Department of Fisheries have caused this needless animal slaughter.
    In reality, the degenerates in the goon squad have no right to kill animals that should be preserved for all the other people of the world to know. Wildlife is a heritage that future generations of people should be able to see.
    It is up to the people who are trying to protect wildlife to take a stand against these sadistic shark killers. The goon squad of Australia should not even exist. It was formed by ignorant and apathetic people. These degenerates are deliberately and carelessly destroying the natural ecosystem of the ocean.


    There have been many protests in Australia against the goon squad, but corrupted leadership has prevailed. Apparently, the degenerates in the goon squad are too uncivilized to even comprehend their crimes against nature.
   The most common excuse for killing sharks is because sometimes sharks attack people. It is entirely up to people to protect themselves with “shark barriers” in the sea. People should never be allowed to make the oceans their playground at the expense of the marine life there.
   The fight to save sharks is not going to fade away. There are many people around the world dedicated to saving the sharks. It seems incredible that a government like Australia could endorse and sanction the needless killing of sharks just because of a few shark attacks or because it wants to expand its tourist trade. There will be no justice for sharks until the corrupted goon squad of Australia is eliminated along with other shark killers.

--Marlin O. Wallace



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